Your refund will be issued after our warehouse team has received your return and checked in and verified the items. This process can take up to 30 business days. You will receive a confirmation email when the refund has been processed, and it will then take an additional 2-5 business days for the funds to be reflected in your account. We appreciate your patience while we work to process your return.
First you will need to submit a return request by entering your order number and the email address used to place the order here.
If your items are eligible for return, we will refund the amount paid (including any tax), for the product once we receive and check in the return. We only accept returns within 14 days of purchase, and only for products that are in new condition in their original, intact packaging.
Please note that any expedited shipping costs on the original order will not be refunded for returned or exchanged items.
We cover the cost of shipping for eligible returned On products.