Wet weather gear

Lightweight. Comfort. Waterproof. Layer up with our range of waterproof gear to take on the rain with premium protection.
// TODO: Convert buttons to use the button snippet // - I was adding some buttons manually. // - Convert these buttons to use the button snippet. // TODO: Enhance button snippet to accept custom props // - Currently, the snippets only take data from "object". // - Modify the snippets to work like the button and heading snippet with custom props. // TODO: Check the atmospheric player // - It was working fine and the design was done. // - I changed some CSS and it might have broken. // - Investigate and fix any issues. // TODO: Check the non-atmospheric player // - Check the live site for reference. // - Ensure when the button in the section is clicked, it runs the video. // - Find a way to make this easily implementable for other sections. // - Consider using a class or attribute for the button which will trigger the video. // TODO: Add image block option // - Add an option to include image blocks. // TODO: Add responsive image snippet // - Create a responsive image snippet for the project. // TODO: Check the user story in the task // - Review the user story for any discrepancies. // - Ensure there are options for both desktop and mobile. // TODO: Check the Figma designs // - Review the Figma designs for any new updates or changes. // TODO: Style buttons and heading // - Buttons and heading are added. // - Style them with proper positioning, grid layout, and other necessary CSS.

Difficult conditions make it even more of an achievement. So no matter the weather, let your body get moving, and don't let the rain or cold mess with your mission.

Learn more about how to stay dry

Why going outside makes us healthier

Running in the cold

Outpacing the rain in Portland