Your new staple.

The Cloud 6
// TODO: Convert buttons to use the button snippet // - I was adding some buttons manually. // - Convert these buttons to use the button snippet. // TODO: Enhance button snippet to accept custom props // - Currently, the snippets only take data from "object". // - Modify the snippets to work like the button and heading snippet with custom props. // TODO: Check the atmospheric player // - It was working fine and the design was done. // - I changed some CSS and it might have broken. // - Investigate and fix any issues. // TODO: Check the non-atmospheric player // - Check the live site for reference. // - Ensure when the button in the section is clicked, it runs the video. // - Find a way to make this easily implementable for other sections. // - Consider using a class or attribute for the button which will trigger the video. // TODO: Add image block option // - Add an option to include image blocks. // TODO: Add responsive image snippet // - Create a responsive image snippet for the project. // TODO: Check the user story in the task // - Review the user story for any discrepancies. // - Ensure there are options for both desktop and mobile. // TODO: Check the Figma designs // - Review the Figma designs for any new updates or changes. // TODO: Style buttons and heading // - Buttons and heading are added. // - Style them with proper positioning, grid layout, and other necessary CSS.

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